
9月16日,Chia官方新的一期AMA(即Ask Me Anything。在reddit上很多人用AMA表示可以问我任何问题。)有提到新的名称:CAT。

CAT很多人会联想到前阵子爆火的动物币,以为这是猫的翻译,实际上CAT是之前彩币(Coloured Coins)的新命名,官方的解释是因为Colour这一词在部分国家地区涉及种族歧视,为了以后避免一些麻烦,所以直接改名CAT(Chia Asset Token 资产代币)。


彩色币允许个人、金融机构、企业和政府发行链上资产,这些资产继承了 Chia Network 区块链的智能交易能力,并依赖于时空证明提供的全球去中心化安全验证。ERC-20 代币是目前最被认可的彩币形式,但其局限性很大。他们所依赖的 Solidity 智能合约存在着安全风险。

此外,对于终端用户来说,它们并不像是 Ethereum 区块链的原生部分,而且需要钱包和数字货币交易所单独启用每个资产。

最近的安全研究表明,它们也很容易在交易所被伪造。Chialisp 彩色币继承了 Chialisp 的所有能力,这使得它们更适合高合规性的资产发行,并使它们能够更原生地适用于奇亚钱包。



Chia Token Standard Naming

TL;DR: The Chia token standard is going to be called CAT1

We’re in the process of making a real standard for tokens which will guarantee interoperability for developers who follow it, and it needs a name. In the past we’ve used the term ‘coloured coins’ in our documentation and code to refer to tokens built on top of Chia. This has the disadvantage that it’s an esoteric bit of jargon, refers to a general concept rather than our specific implementation, and ‘coloured’ is a loaded term in many parts of the world.

We have now spent millions of dollars with a brand marketing firm, gone through extensive creative processes and… nah just kidding, I did some research, ran a few surveys through our employees and made a decision. Here’s the new glossary:


asset - a thing which can be owned. Most assets in the world have nothing to do with Chia.

token - a representation of an underlying asset, including in this case a set of coins on a chain

asset token - a divisible and fungible token, as opposed to a non-fungible token (NFT) which is less featureful

coin - a thing which exists on the Chia blockchain, analogous to a UTXO in Bitcoin

token coin - a coin which represents an underlying asset. In Chia the identity of coins changes even as the capability of being the underlying asset keeps getting passed between them

asset coin - a coin which specifically represents an asset token as opposed to a non-fungible token, or NFT

NFT coin - a coin represents an NFT. It usually has a parent which was the same NFT and a child which is also the same NFT.

CAT1 - the first Chia Asset Token standard. We may make a CAT2 in the future but it will be a while, if ever.

CAT - A Catch-all term for CAT1, CAT1.1 or CAT2 or possibly some other CAT standard in the future.

CAT1 token - a token which followers the CAT1 standard in its implementation

CAT token - a term which doesn’t specify which CAT standard is being followed. Also used if you’re being more informal or are just too lazy to type the 1. If you’re being really informal or lazy you can use the lowercase cat. You can also just call it a CAT since ‘CAT token’ is short for ‘chia asset token token’ which is valid but sounds weird.

CAT coin - a single coin which is part of a CAT token

X - a hypothetical name of a CAT token

X coin - a coin which specifically represents part of the token X. Multiple X coins can be called a litter.

Chia 代币标准命名









token coin:不太好理解





CAT1 代币:在CAT1上发行的代币,类比ERC-20上发的代币

CAT 代币:官方也不知道自己写的啥玩意

CAT 硬币:CAT链上发行的代币中的一部分?

X :CAT代币的代称

X 硬盘:不太好理解

for币(Chia新公布的CAT是什么?)文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
文章来源: 理财天下网
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