
transition xinchi外语

transition英 [trænˈzɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [trænˈzɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 过渡,转变;(分子生物)转换;(乐)临时转调;(物理)跃迁,转变

v. 转变,过渡

[ 复数 transitions 第三人称单数 transitions 现在分词 transitioning 过去式 transitioned 过去分词 transitioned ]


transition metal 渡金属 ; 过度金属 ; 跃迁矩阵

transition economy 转型经济 ; 转轨经济

Transition Zone 交换区域 ; [植] 过渡区 ; 过渡带

demographic transition 人口转型 ; [社科] 人口转变 ; 人口过渡

transition function 转换函数 ; 变换函数 ; 传递函数

metasystem transition 将其它基于系统转换

transition point [化学] [热] [电磁] 转变点 ; 转接点 ; 转换点 ; [电子] 过渡点

transition state theory 过渡态理论 ; 过渡状态理论 ; 态理论 ; 渡态理论

State transition table [计] 状态转换表 ; 翻译 ; 状态转换表英语


transition /trænˈzɪʃən/ CET6 TEM4 ( transitioning, transitioned, transitions )

1. N-VAR Transition is the process in which something changes from one state to another. 转型

例:The transition from a dictatorship to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.


2. V-I If someone transitions from one state or activity to another, they move gradually from one to the other. (逐渐地) 转向 [商业]

例:Most of the discussion was on what needed to be done now as we transitioned from the security issues to the challenging economic issues.



transition period 过渡时期

phase transition 相变

transition temperature [电]转移温度

transition metal 过渡金属

glass transition [物]玻璃转化

glass transition temperature 玻璃化温度;玻璃转换温度

transition zone 过渡区;转变区;移行区

smooth transition 顺利过渡,平稳过渡

state transition 状态转换

transition state 过渡状态,转变状态

transition probability 转移概率;跃迁概率

transition layer 过渡层;转变层

transition region [植]过渡区;[物]渡越区

transition curve 过渡曲线,介曲线;缓和曲线;转变曲线

transition economy 转轨经济

transition matrix 跃迁矩阵

transition point [电]转移点

transition time 瞬变时间,渡越时间;迁移时间

gradual transition 渐变;逐次跃迁;缓变结

phase transition temperature 相变温度;相转变湿度



The transition from school to work can be difficult.


The French say they favour a transition to democracy.


Inevitably the transition will yield some

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