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纪念币commemorative coins

中国人民银行9月6日对外公布,定于9月10日起陆续发行中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念币一套(a set of coins to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China)。

The set includes two gold, four silver and one copper alloy coins, all legal tender, the People's Bank of China said on its website.中国人民银行在官网表示,该套纪念币共7枚,其中金质纪念币2枚,银质纪念币4枚,双色铜合金纪念币1枚,均为中华人民共和国法定货币。


Tender这个词用法很多,比较常见的是作为形容词表示“温柔的、和善的”,比如,tender heart;另外,tender也可以作为动词或名词使用,动词的时候表示“提出”,比如:tender one's resignation;作名词时可表示“货币,投标”等,常见的搭配有make a tender of(投标),legal tender(法定货币)。

All coins feature the national emblem on the obverse and are inscribed with Chinese characters reading "the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC" on the reverse side.所有纪念币正面图案均为中华人民共和国国徽,反面印有“中华人民共和国成立70周年”字样。

One of the gold coins, with a diameter of 60 mm, contains 150 grams of gold and has a denomination of 2,000 yuan (about $281.29). The other gold coins, 22 mm in diameter, contains 8 grams of gold and has a denomination of 100 yuan, according to the central bank.央行介绍,金质纪念币有150克和8克两种,其中150克金质纪念币直径60毫米,为2000元面额,8克金质纪念币直径22毫米,为100元面额。



A total of 2,000 large-size gold coins and 60,000 smaller gold coins will be available for purchase, it said.150克金质纪念币同发行2000枚,8克金质纪念币发行6万枚。

The silver coins have denominations of 300 yuan, 50 yuan and 10 yuan, with issuing amounts of 5,000, 7,000 and 200,000 respectively.银质纪念币有300元、50元、10元三种面额,发行量分别为5000、7000以及20万枚。







the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

法定货币 legal tender

纪念邮票 commemorative stamp

面额 denomination

最大发行量 maximum circulation

纪念钞 commemorative notes


虚拟货币for发行量是多少文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
文章来源: 肖肖
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