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加密友好型银行服务应用 Revolut 获欧盟银行执照

据报道,加密友好型金融科技初创公司 Revolut 获得了立陶宛银行颁发的许可证,并“可依据欧盟的护照制度在其他欧洲国家开展业务”。上述“护照制度”是指允许欧洲自由市场上的银行在其他成员国境内开展银行业务的法律制度。

Crypto-Friendly Banking App Revolut Obtains EU Banking License

Crypto-friendly fintech startup Revolut has reportedly obtained a license through the Bank of Lithuania and “is leveraging passporting rules to operate in other European countries.” The mentioned “passport rules” are laws permitting the operation of banks that are part of the European free market on the territory of other member states.



在12月12日接受 NPR 的采访时,俄亥俄州共和党议员 Warren Davidson 建议利用区块链来众筹修建墨西哥边境隔离墙的资金。但他并没有明确指出他是否以官员的身份提出这项利用区块链筹集隔离墙资金的理念。

US Congressman Offers to Fund Mexican Border Wall Using Blockchain

Ohio Republican Congressman Warren Davidson suggested raising money from the public to build a wall on the border with Mexico using blockchain, in an interview on NPR Dec. 12. But he did not specify whether he had yet proposed his blockchain-based wall funding concept in any official capacity.



法国的两名立法委员 Jean-Michel Mis 和 Laure de La Raudière 提出了一系列建议,旨在使法国成为成为加密货币发展领域的领头军。其中一项建议是加密挖矿业务归类为“电子密集型业务”,使加密矿工能够以较低的价格支付加密挖矿所需的电力费用。

French Lawmakers Propose Lower Electricity Rates for Cryptocurrency Miners

Two French legislators, Jean-Michel Mis and Laure de La Raudière, have made a number of proposals aimed at turning France into a leading force in the development of the industry built around cryptocurrencies. One of the proposal is to to recognize mining as an “electro-intensive activity” which would allow cryptocurrency miners to pay for the electricity needed for their facilities at preferential rates.



游戏硬件制造商 Razer 推出了一款名为 Razer SoftMiner 的应用,该应用为用户挖取加密货币提供收益。该应用使玩家可以利用他们的空闲显卡在以太坊和其它网络上挖取的新区块。 该公司表示,SoftMiner 会回馈给玩家银牌会员积分,这些积分可在商城内兑换 Razer 的产品,商品,礼券等。

Gaming Hardware Manufacturer Offers Store Credit in Return for Crypto Mining

Gaming hardware manufacturer Razer has launched an app, dubbed Razer SoftMiner, that rewards users for mining cryptocurrency. The app allows gamers to utilize their idle graphics cards to mine for new transactions blocks on the ethereum blockchain, among other networks. SoftMiner rewards gamers with loyalty points under Razer’s Silver program and the loyalty points can later be redeemed in-store for discounts on Razer products, merchandise, gift vouchers and more, the firm says.


稳定币 Basis 确认项目关闭

在获得谷歌风投、Andreessen Horowitz 和贝恩资本等公司的投资后,开发稳定币 Basis 的公司 Intangible Labs 官方宣布项目终结,该公司将退还所有资金。据 Intangible Labs CEO Nader Al-Naji 解释,问题的原因是 Basis 无法逃脱被归类为证券产品的命运。他遗憾地说 Basis 的技术开发工作几乎已接近完工。

Basis Stablecoin Confirms Shutdown

After raising capital from the likes of Google Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, Bain Capital and others, the company behindthe Basis cryptocurrency, Intangible Labs, announced the project was being killed and all the funds returned. Nader Al-Naji, Intangible Labs' CEO, explained that what went wrong is they were not being able to avoid securities classification. He sadly said the Basis technology was nearly complete.



Joseph Young



1. 德国股票投资者明年就可以进行加密交易了

2. 瑞士推出了加密货币投资领域的首个场内交易产品 Amun crypto ETP

3. 瑞典纳斯达克交易所批准了比特币ETN

Europe's crypto market has been relatively small for years possibly due to regulatory uncertainty. Some changes are starting to happen.

1. Germany's stock market investors to be able to trade crypto by next year

2. Switzerland has Amun crypto ETP

3. Sweden Nasdaq has Bitcoin ETN


Eric Conner



1. 根据总权益量的调整发行规模

2. 设置固定发行百分比,供所有权益者分;ETH的总生成量逐年减少

3. 设置固定的ETH年发行量供权益者分;发行百分比逐年下降

Three possible issuance models I see for staking rewards

1. Sliding scale for issuance based on total stake

2. Set hard % and all stakers split. Total ETH created reduces each year

3. Set actual ETH issuance a year for split. Issuance % reduces each year


Jon Choi





Contrast to my work in cloud and AI, I feel a deep philosophical alignment with my work in crypto.

With cloud & AI, users trade ownership for convenience with Amazon & Google.

With crypto, users can choose to trade convenience for ownership & control.



Blockgeeks 联合创始人


People leaving crypto and calling it a scam is good. Let the weak hands fall out. I am here for life!





我 :你读过我们发布的两份白皮书吗? 里面有详细的解释。


我 :……


Troll: “I don’t understand why Civic needs a token”

Me: “Have you read the two white papers we have published explaining it in great detail?”

Troll: “No”

Me: …

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.


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