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Afghans turn to cryptocurrencies amid US sanctions

US sanctions, failing banks, and the drying up of foreign aid and cash transfers since the Taliban takeover have left Afghanistan's economy in tatters. Crypto is coming to the rescue.

Following the Taliban takeover in August last year, 22-year-old Farhan Hotak from the province of Zabul in southern Afghanistan was left with no cash in hand.

Mr Hotak's sole source of income became a few hundred dollars of Bitcoin in a virtual wallet. After turning it into a traditional currency, Hotak managed to flee to Pakistan with his family of ten.

"After the Taliban takeover, crypto spread like wildfire over Afghanistan," he said. "There is almost no other way to receive money".

Mr Hotak and his friends use Binance's P2P crypto exchange, which allows them to buy and sell their coins directly with other users on the platform. Finding temporary refuge in Pakistan, Mr Hotak is trading Bitcoin and Ethereum again and is now back traveling through Afghanistan, vlogging and teaching people about cryptocurrencies - digital money with no physical form that can have value.

Fans of cryptocurrencies say they are the future of money and will stop people having to rely on banks. And in Afghanistan, it's banks that have stopped working, causing people to turn to cryptocurrency not just to trade, but to survive.




Afghans turn to cryptocurrencies amid US sanctions


短语:turn to 求助于


US sanctions, failing banks, and the drying up of foreign aid and cash transfers since the Taliban takeover have left Afghanistan's economy in tatters. Crypto is coming to the rescue.

美国制裁,银行状况不佳,外部援助和资金转移枯竭,自从塔利班接管政权以来,阿富汗的经济就支离破碎。 加密货币来拯救阿富汗人了。

短语:failing banks 银行状况不佳

补充:failing eyesight 视力不佳

drying up 使...枯竭

cash transfers 资金转移

left (leave)sth in tatters 使...支离破碎

coming to the rescue =coming to one’s rescue 来拯救...


takeover/'tekovɚ/,作名词,表示“接管”,英文解释为“a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force”


He may be ousted by a military takeover.


since the Taliban takeover have left Afghanistan's economy in tatters. Crypto is coming to the rescue.作状语


Following the Taliban takeover in August last year, 22-year-old Farhan Hotak from the province of Zabul in southern Afghanistan was left with no cash in hand.

去年塔利班接管阿富汗之后,22岁的Farhan Hotak来自阿富汗南部的扎布尔省,使得他身无分文。

短语:Following = In the wake of 在...之后

was left with 使得...


Mr Hotak's sole source of income became a few hundred dollars of Bitcoin in a virtual wallet. After turning it into a traditional currency, Hotak managed to flee to Pakistan with his family of ten.



sole source of income 收入的唯一来源

sole source= only source 唯一来源

turn sth to ... 把...变成...;兑换


it= Bitcoin


"After the Taliban takeover, crypto spread like wildfire over Afghanistan," he said. "There is almost no other way to receive money".



spread like wildfire 迅速传播


over 表示:在整个

fly over...飞机飞过...

edge over对...具有优势

control over 控制...


Close the sky over Ukraine.关闭乌克兰领空


Mr Hotak and his friends use Binance's P2P crypto exchange, which allows them to buy and sell their coins directly with other users on the platform. Finding temporary refuge in Pakistan, Mr Hotak is trading Bitcoin and Ethereum again and is now back traveling through Afghanistan, vlogging and teaching people about cryptocurrencies - digital money with no physical form that can have value.



P2P = point to point 点对点

Binance 比特币的交易所 (币安)


traveling through 在阿富汗奔走


- digital money with no physical form that can have value.(同位语)

with no physical form修饰 cryptocurrencies(定语修饰 cryptocurrencies)

that can have value.修饰 cryptocurrencies(定语从句修饰 cryptocurrencies)


Fans of cryptocurrencies say they are the future of money and will stop people having to rely on banks. And in Afghanistan, it's banks that have stopped working, causing people to turn to cryptocurrency not just to trade, but to survive.




they= cryptocurrencies


causing people to turn to cryptocurrency not just to trade, but to survive. 结果状语








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